Symphony Pads has put together an infographic on average rent prices to give renters and landlords easy access to valuable apartment data in the Symphony/Northeastern neighborhood. These averages were taken from the immense Boston Pads database, which has over 156,000 Boston apartments, 500,000+ apartment photos, and 8,000+ property videos.
These average prices were calculated from 406 Symphony apartments that were rented within the last year or are currently available. The real time vacancy rate was calculated by taking the total number of apartments that are available now plus any units that will become available in the next few months, and dividing by the total number of apartments in Symphony/Northeastern. The latest population and average income data was sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau.
As with its neighbors, rent prices are among the highest in the city in this busy neighborhood. The price for a studio in Symphony is the 3rd highest in the Boston areas sampled at $1,800 per month. 1-bedroom apartments and 2-bedroom apartments are right on par with the bordering neighborhoods of Fenway and Back Bay. The price for a 3-bedroom in Symphony, however, is much higher than Fenway - almost $500 more per month, in fact, and slightly higher than Back Bay at $4,163 compared to $3,919.
Studio |
$1,800.32 |
$1,752.55 |
$1,715.34 |
1 Bedroom |
$2,356.91 |
$2,324.04 |
$2,444.46 |
2 Bedrooms |
$3,066.97 |
$2,781.80 |
$3,196.41 |
3 Bedrooms |
$4,163.00 |
$3,660.73 |
$3,919.28 |
The data clearly shows that Symphony is one of the most expensive places to live in Boston. For 1-bedroom apartments, Symphony ranks 4th highest, 2nd highest for 2-bedroom apartments, and it is the most expensive neighborhood to rent a 3-bedroom apartment in Boston. Given its close proximity to some of Boston’s best universities, coupled with all the cultural offerings of this great area, demand is unlikely to diminish in Symphony anytime soon. One can expect these prices to remain high.
Read detailed information on average rent prices in Back Bay.
Read detailed information on average rent prices in Fenway.
About Symphony Pads
Symphony Pads is powered by the Boston Pads database. Renters, landlords, and property managers can access this data through a professionally trained phone staff as well as licensed real estate agents, seven days a week. Landlords can get a sense of the rental market in any neighborhood, including current rent prices, vacancy rates, lease timing and more. Boston Pads uses this data to help local landlords maximize rental income and reduce vacancy times.
It is this hyper-local and data-driven approach that has helped Boston Pads build their network of Greater Boston landlords to over 16,000. Landlords who list with Boston Pads ensure themselves the widest possible marketing coverage from one trusted source. Boston Pads listings are syndicated to almost all the national platforms including Zillow, Craigslist, and Trulia, over 80 locally optimized real estate listing websites, and 100+ geographically targeted social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
By providing comprehensive marketing coverage and the most accurate data, Boston Pads has become the real estate and information technology leader in New England. Their platform is nationally scalable, adapts to any market, and can be utilized by any rental agency or landlord looking for marketing and real estate tools to help them save time and increase revenue.
To see the average rent prices for more towns in the Greater Boston area, check out our latest infographic on average rent prices in Boston by town.